A theme has resonated throughout the early part of this decade and defined a year of continued success and transformation. That theme? Engagement. As a membership organization, NAPA thrives thanks in large part to member engagement. Members inspire us every day to recommit to our industry, our mission, our vision, and our goals. That engagement and its many outcomes are reflected in this annual report. As we embark on a new strategic plan, we look forward to another year of engagement with you.
James A. Mitchell
Audrey Copeland
Ph.D., P.E.
After years of uncertainty fraught with unreliable infrastructure funding, an unyielding pandemic, and unpredictable economic forces, 2022 ushered in some needed certainty and celebration, following the late-2021 passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). As your national voice, NAPA has long sought reliable funding and certainty for the asphalt jobs and companies that keep America moving. This year we claimed victory with IIJA, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and numerous strategic endeavors. While those funds make their way to procurement in a significant way, knowing they are on the way gives confidence to our industry.
In achieving these successes, you engaged with your voice, your actions, and a harmonious message at all levels of government to earn our shared success: asphalt is the clear pavement of choice for its unmatched resilience, reusability, and sustainability.
Along with the passage of unprecedented legislation and regulation, we have seen increased focus on sustainability and environmental issues over the past year. And we were ready. From EPDs (environmental product declarations) to Buy America/Buy Clean, NAPA has been steadfast in representing smart, sensible, science-backed solutions to sustainability and resilience goals.
Meaningful evidence of this, at the federal legislative level, is the continued absence of pavement mandates. We have always believed the most sensible solutions are those that serve communities, backed by science, engineering, and available resources. Legislative mandates are, quite simply, contrary to that goal.
At our 2022 Annual Meeting, we declared proudly: we love asphalt. Because it is the resilient, sustainable, reusable pavement material of choice. Research and case studies prove that time and again. That proof continues to be evident in The Road Forward, our shared goal for the industry to produce and construct net zero carbon emission asphalt pavements by 2050.
As our own Dr. Richard Willis so eloquently said in launching the initiative, it’s an audacious goal—and we, as an industry, are up for the challenge.
In its first year, two dozen of you stepped up to support the program, not just with your dollars, but also with your innovation, expertise, reputation, and resources. With your support, we published the first greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory for any major US industry—demonstrating what we have known all along: that asphalt is the climate-friendly choice for our pavement needs, accounting for just 0.3% of all US GHG emissions. But we know we can do even better, and that’s why we’re leading The Road Forward. We invite your support in all forms in the year ahead.
While The Road Forward was in the forefront, we also worked behind the scenes to improve the organization’s operations, along with your experience as a member. We value your membership, your input, and your engagement. And we fully embraced our revised bylaws and governance structure, providing opportunities for you to engage with your peers and your leadership in our Regional Advisory Councils. The participation in all four regions—Northeast, Southeast, Northcentral, and Western—and the ideas you have brought to our leadership team have been nothing short of amazing. You inform and inspire us, and for that we thank you.
In fact, your participation and support have been evident in a crucial area: strategic planning for our industry and organization. We are proud to have accomplished so much during the three-year strategic plan that closed at the end 2022. And we’re excited for what’s to come with our new three-year strategic plan, kicking off in 2023. Along with the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, please know two things: you can count on NAPA and we are counting on you.
Thank you for your membership, your engagement, and your commitment to our shared ideals.
Jim Mitchell & Audrey Copeland
2022 closes our current strategic plan, comprised of seven strategic areas that provided the structure for this annual report. The 2020-2022 strategic plan also provided a solid foundation for modernizing the organization—in operations, in governance, and in engagement. As we worked through each of those areas in 2022 to develop our new strategic plan, we gathered input from each representative area: staff (operations), Board of Directors and Advisory Council (governance), and members (engagement).
Our Board, led by Chairman Jim Mitchell, effectively guided and supported this process, resulting in a newly invigorated mission, vision, and strategic plan, all of which will propel us through a prosperous 2023-2025.
From meeting attendance to research project participation to sharing your success stories, we invite every member to engage with NAPA—your national voice.
If you are not a member, please join us in shaping this
wonderful industry through national policy, research, and innovation.
Much of our research on behalf of the industry is funded by our Pavement Economics Committee, marking 10 years of enhanced advocacy, research, and deployment. To demonstrate and celebrate PEC’s ongoing impact, we offer a special addition to this annual report.